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Keep the faith. #9storiesoffaithv1

Everyone has at least one big story or tale to tell. Once you've done one, the question is whether or not you can do so again, and when you do, is it more of the same? Or, do you expand the horizons and boudaries you cover?

In this case, it's clearly about going in a different and even more powerful direction.

20 book-signings and two major festivals (The Mississippi Book Festival and the Literary Festival of Charlotte) later, the second release from Author Andrew Snorton is here, "9 stories of faith: volume 1". Unlike sharing stories of speaking with a long lost family member (refer to "Deeper than your deepest sleep: thoughts on love with Joseph Snorton"), this work delves into conversations around faith, spirituality, perspective, along with some larger and even more universal themes.

"One key component is going into the notion that all of us are dealing with something", notes the author. "When you realize the kinds of live challenges people are living with, it can give you a sense of perspective and hopefully some clarity in looking at your life's challenges".

Focusing on the central question of what is one's biggest daily challenge and how they overcome it, the chapters share and exchange concepts across faiths (in this edition, Christianity, Hindu, and Islam). Even bigger are the kinds of life challenges from those who share their stories: physical health, mental health and wellness, self-image, and even life after incarceration are among the stories shared.

Equally important is the notion of universalities across religions.

"Think about the church practice of passing the peace. You are taking time to acknowledge and respect others (who are made in His image and likeness). When you look at the translation of the Islamic greeting As-Salaam-Alaikum and the response, Wa-Alaikum-Salaam, you are essentially saying peace unto (or upon) you; you are essentially saying the same thing, so there are some universalities you can't deny. It doesn't mean you have to accept all tennants of a given faith, but are some that you simply can't refute", the author adds.

Understanding life's daily challenges, different means in order to live through and beyond them (via conventional and creative ways), along with garnering universally applied themes and concepts across faiths is a key factor behind this work. Of course, providing a sense of hope, calm, solace, and perspective in that while it's understandable to go through "something", it doesn't mean you have to be "stuck" where you are.

"You don't have to do things exactly the way they do, but there's a constructive (compared to destructive) way in getting through and more", adds the author.

Presently available on Amazon (and bookstores forthcoming), March 1st is the day the author prepares to hit the road. With signings taking place in Atlanta on March 1st at Kat's Cafe (970 Piedmont Road), March 24th (Malloy Jordan E Winston Culutural Center and Library at 1110 7th St in Winston-Salem, NC; as an added request, patrons are asked to bring a new or slighly used book to donate to the library to support their reading programs), and the African-American Author Fair in Nashville, TN on April 21st (at the Scarritt Bennett Center at 1069 18th Ave South), it promises to be an engaging way to meet, greet, network, discuss, and more (for a listing of upcoming signings and related information, click HERE).

Make sure to keep the faith.

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