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Yes, he's a published author (and a good one at that)!
With the release of his first book, "Deeper than your deepest sleep: thoughts on love with Joseph Snorton", it is sure to generate a tremendous amount of interest and conversation on matters of the heart. Taken from a conversation with his family member Joseph, what starts as the author interviewing his relative ends up being turned around, especially when it comes to the topic of love. Their exploration through the lenses of relationships with family members, friends, and loved ones past and present takes the reader through a frank, honest, humorous, perplexing, yet sincere look at one of the more personal topics around. His second book 9 stories of faith: volume 1 is the first of the "reader series" focusing on themes of faith and spirituality. This work consists of interviews with 10 people of different faiths (in this volume, Christianity, Hindu, and Islam) as they are asked of their biggest daily challenge and what they do to work through it in order to live a life of meaning and purpose. Going across lines of faith to universal themes across the aforementioned, along with the understanding that all of us are dealing with something is a key area of focus; likewise, it allows for an engaging and empowering look and discussion with the end result of knowing there are ways, conventional and creative, to "get through" without doing so in a detrimental manner.
His third book (in hardcover and e-book), nothing Minor, takes a look at his 2019 coverage of minor league baseball in the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Mississippi (of A, AA, and AAA baseball). With contributions from EmoryRose Photography, it's complete with interviews, photos, game coverage, and more, including a special look at the Negro Southern League Museum. It's a great way to get into the game! His current release (October 2022), quotes and notes: something's on the horizon, is more than a collection of thought-inspiring messages from the author; with space for you to record your ideas and reflections, it's a way for all (the author included) to pause, reflect, and organize your ideas to focused, creative, and constructive action.
HIs audiobook series The Author's Mixtape takes audiobooks to the next level; incorporating the musical element of "freestyling" over a track, both editions are completed in individual 2-hour studio sessions. The topics are selected, then the chapters/selections are written and recorded organically (nothing pre-recorded). Covering a wide-range of topics ranging from what gives you peace to the discovery of a new tribe, volume 1 (From HTooOh) and volume 2 (Beyond the holi-daze. Beyond history), and volume 3 (get the Bag) are engaging, entertaining, humorous, sincere, and outstanding books to listen to. Volume 4 (The Collab) introduces co-author Kris 10, as she contributes 4 tracks going broader with the freestyle experience, and for Volume 5 (forward thinking * believing * doing), she takes center stage as the lead author.
Since his debut in February 2017, he has conducted book-readings and signings in Atlanta, Birmingham, Charlotte, Chicago, Conyers (GA), Detroit, Jackson, Lilburn (GA), Macon (GA), Monmouth County (NJ), Nashville, New Orleans, Peachtree Corners, (GA), Raleigh, Randolph (NJ), Washington, DC, and Winston-Salem (click HERE for the details). As an added bonus, he's a featured author for events and festivals including the "For the Culture" arts event (July 2017), The Gwinnett County Kickoff for the Relay for Life Festival with the Gwinnett County Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc (April 2018), the African-American Authors' Festival in Nashville (March 2018), a 4-time selection (2017-19, 2022) for the Mississippi Book Festival, the East of the River Book Festival in Washington, DC (panelist and author), Detroit Book City (Feb 2019 and Nov 2020), and the Bluffton Book Festival (in Bluffton, SC). With his live chat series #TheFast15 and the author's roundtable series #allabouttheauthors, he's a growing presence, including virtual events! Click on the Amazon and Barnes and Noble images to order your copy of any of his books! For more details on the newsletter, book signings, and related events, click HERE. Likewise, you may purchase his audiobooks on Amazon, Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music, Itunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, and other platforms (nearly 300)!
Connect with the 2021 Author of the Year nominee (Black Only Awards based in Atlanta) and 2019 Top-1000 pick from the Author Academy Awards.
