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It's that time of the year...

It really is that time of the year. And I'm not referring to just the change in the weather (stay warm), the sports seasons (i.e. the current fall classic between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers, football, the MLS playoffs, hockey, basketball, and related sports).

It's getting to the heart of testing, especially when it comes to the SAT's and ACT's.

Since September of this year (September 9, 2017 to be exact for the ACT), high school students (and beyond) are in "that" mode. Those who are juniors and younger are likely embarking on the testing journey in order to get a head start on the larger college process, and there are some seniors who are fine-tuning what they've done previously, let alone making adjustments in "getting what they need to get" and "doing what they need to do" regarding this important part of the larger college process.

Getting the job done is one thing, but getting quality help is another.

We're fortunate to not only conduct larger workshops and classes for schools in the metro-area and beyond, but we're also able to do more personalized and smaller group tutoring and coaching when it comes to either exam. Ranging from identifying similarities and differences so students are able to determine which format they feel they'll be most successful, to helping them make adjustments in order to improve and know they have additional strategies at their disposal, this is our focus in working with any student. Of course, it takes adequate preparation time and regular practice, but it can be done.

Again, ranging from working with high schools (as we'll do on October 30, 2017 for students taking the November 4, 2017 SAT), community organizations, and individuals, our focus is on equipping students so they have added strategies at their disposal.

Reach out to us today so we can help you and your student make it happen too.

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