#TheLiteracyProject pushes forward
During the month of August, #TheLiteracyProject is created. It is initially a way for the author to "give back" during his birthday through the means of reading and literacy. In focusing on topics ranging from core subjects to special interests, the emphasis is to encourage reading for kids (grades K-12) and adults. Through applying the bridge-building of reading, vocabulary, public speaking, writing, and creative/critical thinking, in helping establish a program or support existing programs is the main point of emphasis.
Fast-forward to January as there are three sites that are hosted by The LEAD Foundation (visit http://www.theleadfoundation.org/special-services for details by scrolling to #TheLiteracyProject info): Loganville/Metro-Atlanta (GA), Winston-Salem (NC), and Chicago. All three sites are unique in that one serves high school aged students and beyond (Loganville), supports existing programs (Winston-Salem), or establishes support for a school and its partner church for creating a library (Chicago). Indeed, a sincere idea is now growing into something making a positive impact in the lives of many people and one we are proud to partner with.

This Saturday, January 7, 2017, is a community-wide opportunity for supporting the Loganville site. In bringing materials as noted on the flyer, ranging from business/entrepreneurship, greenhouse programs, Black History, Biblical Studies, and other topics, it allows for the creation of a library to support the residents of the New Horizon Recovery Center for Teen Challenge. With corresponding read-ins and related programs, it provides all with engagement opportunities for focusing on the aforementioned skill sets that connect with the larger mission and purpose of this program.
There is a chance due to the weather (as there is snow in the forecast as well as sub-freezing temperatures), the date may change, so please (and we do mean PLEASE) note the Facebook page (Creative Community Solutions, LLC), as well as the Twitter and Instagram pages (@asnortonccs) for any late breaking updates in the event the date is rescheduled as we want people to be as safe and sound as possible.
***** IMPORTANT NOTE *****
Please note due to the weather January 6-7, 2017 in Atlanta (rain and snow are forecast, as well as temperatures below freezing), the date of the drive is changed to January 28, 2017. The flyer is updated to reflect the change in the date and the time as the road conditions are expected to be less than favorable.