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Looking ahead and booking ahead

Many people are looking forward to the conclusion of 2016 for multiple reasons. One of the more obvious is to get the new year (2017) off to a fast start and leave behind the hurt and disappointments this year brings in more ways than one.

Some would argue why wait for the new year to get off to a new beginning; now, we can't always control for how people are going to do so, let alone understand the ways, shapes, and forms, but this beginning is one that should be more than palatable for just about anyone.

By mid-January, Mr. Snorton can add "author" to his growing resume.  Details coming via the website and social media for a mid-January release.

By mid-January 2017, the book "Deeper than your deepest sleep: thoughts on love with Joseph Snorton" should be available via Amazon for online sales, with additional information made available on the website, along with our social media platforms (currently doing some fine-tuning to them as well). The author is able to have a conversation with his hard to find relative, Joseph. Their conversation starts off as an interview between the author and his relative and getting his take on love through the lenses of different relationships past, present, and future. Ranging from family, friends, loved ones, former loved ones, and more, the poetic exploration is more than just Joseph sharing his thoughts; he actually "flips the script" and asks the author his thoughts, so the book is a frank and open conversation by both men regarding the forms of love through their live experiences.

With information related to online-purchasing, point-of-purchase sales, book-signings, readings, and other related events, this truly is a long-time coming for the author, let alone the literary community. Be it a focused or casual reader, the reader-friendly book is bound to be one that can draw people in, evoke a wide-range of responses, and allow for those whose voices may not always be heard the opportunity to do so, let alone people to simply listen to what is being said in one of the more accessible and powerful forms of writing, poetry.

Again, why wait until next year? This is a more telling example of what can happen, and helping others, including the very author of this blog, make it happen.

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