Writer's block; writer's breakthrough
We all have some sort of experience with the term "writer's block". Sometimes, it's due to that class assignment as a student (in K-12), or a collegian, or just getting through that application. At times, you have challenges finding the words to express what you are thinking or feeling, so you do run into a roadblock.
When this happens, it's understandable to step away and clear your head, gather your thoughts, and get your ideas and words together. Once this happens and once you are able to get into some sort of rhythm, you are usually good to go.
This time last year, I am in one of my favorite cities, Chicago. Yes, the Windy City in the winter is something to experience. Coming off a nice weekend complete with 5-6 inches of snow, I am in the process of putting together an article. However, the process is not as free-flowing as I thought it would be, and no matter what I did, it just was not happening.
I decided to take a creative break, bundle up, and go out for a walk. Ironically did I not only find myself on Michigan Avenue and cross the street to the areas where the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium are located, but I stopped on a stretch named after John Johnson, who is more than a literary giant. His creation of Ebony and Jet Magazines are household staples in the African-American community, as both report on the stories and people who are overlooked by the mainstream. It provides a sense of pride, knowledge, and in many respects, energy, focused action, and investment in things in and around one's community.
After this walk, the writing process for the article comes a lot easier and in the seemingly fluid and effortless manner in which I am used to. Fast-forwarding one year later, and guess where I'll be?

During the morning of February 18, 2017, I'll be at Holy Angels Church (615 E Oakwood) from 10am-12pm supporting #TheLiteracyProject, a program we are supporting through our community partner, the LEAD Foundation. It's mainly about helping the school build on its resource base of books and related software for its media center, as well as helping the church establish their own library. When you understand how important reading is (i.e. building your vocabulary, speaking, writing, and critical thinking/reasoning skills), it can be a very powerful way to better engage our young people and larger community.
After it concludes, it's onto the book reading and signing for my release "Deeper than your deepest sleep: thoughts on love with Joseph Snorton". From 12:30-2pm, I'm at the church sharing the story of love and its many lenses via our relationships with people from our past, present, and future, ranging from family, friends, and loved ones. And all of it is based on the conversation I have with a distant yet hard to find relative, Joseph Snorton (and yes, you may purchase a copy via Amazon.com by typing in the title in the search bar).
Amazing how one year ago to the day I have a case of the writer's block, I am able to break through it. The initial breakthrough results in getting an article done. A year later, the breakthrough results in a larger body of work with more to come.
See you this weekend Chicago.
NOTE: To keep up with info related to book readings and signings, please add "Author Andrew Snorton" on your Facebook pages, as well as @authorasnorton on Twitter and Instagram. As noted, you may order a copy of the book on Amazon.com.