From Election Day and beyond, Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux is at work in the 7th District (GA)
On February, 6, 2022 (in Duluth, GA), Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07) takes time to announce her intentions on re-election (click HERE for our coverage). In the time since then, including the official early voting season (May 2nd through 20th, 2022), it's a combination of not only running for office, but working and serving the people who live within the district.
Today's (May 23, 2022) press conference brings us back to her Duluth, GA offices to not just discuss her campaign, but her ongoing work from Washington, DC to locales throughout the district. Even with legislative and collaborative efforts related to the expansion of community resources ranging from Head Start to mental health areas of concern in Southern Gwinnett County (click HERE for our coverage), green technology and transportation (click HERE for our coverage), and higher education (click HERE for our coverage), today provides a reminder of the work done to even get there, the work taking place, and the work yet to be done.
Flanked by a coalition of people and collectives from multiple demographics and audiences within the district, the press conference is a relatively open share and exchange on the work taking place and the call for her to return to Washington, DC (you may watch the full press conference below).
Gwinnett County Commission Chairwoman Nicole Love Hendrickson, State Representative Pedro "Pete" Marin (House District 96), and Secretary General of the Atlanta Korean American Commission Against Asian Hate, Michelle Kang, provide insight on the collaborative work with Congresswoman Bourdeaux. From investment in infrastructure to a concerted push for policy and larger constructive change, all echo the underlying theme of her work.
"We all know her as the congresswoman who has done remarkable work in this community on the ground level, as well as forging partnerships contributing to investments in our community", notes Hendrickson.
State Representative Marin emphasizes, "She's not only a a fierce advocate for practical legislation in Congress (that benefits Gwinnett County/the 7th Congressional District), but she also drives efforts and delivers resources to assist at the local level".
Secretary-General Kang adds, "She was there. She listened to our grief, our fury, and our frustration (given how the coalition comes together the day after the March 16, 2021 shooting in Acworth, GA)".
During the press conference, Congresswoman Bourdeaux provides points for reference including (but not limited to) her election efforts, work done within Congress, and the larger community. Events such as the March 3, 2022 Economic development town hall (click HERE for our coverage) provide an example of her commitment to the district. As of May 19, 2022, she is an active participant in more than 200 events, 17 town halls, and 2 job fairs to not only engage with constituents, but with those across the business community, as well as local community leaders.
Even at the conclusion of the press conference, she takes time to field our question noting how her coalition building is integral in helping address the needs of the district and larger community.
Just her calling card is to "show up" and be a proactive presence in the community and in areas of concern ranging from expanding medical access to other needs within the community, Election Day is just a few hours away (for those who did not get the opportunity to vote during the early voting time-period).
Today's press conference is a reminder of the level of community engagement and team-building taking place through the efforts of the office and staff of Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux.
It's a reminder of the work that is done, let alone the work to do for Election Day and beyond.
Notes: All video and photography recorded by Andrew Snorton
Photo grid: The first row (left to right) is a snapshot of all attendees across the coalitions and partnerships established by Representative Bourdeaux, along with Gwinnett County Commission Chair Nicole Love Hendrickson and State Representative Pedro "Pete" Marin. The second row includes Secretary-General of the Atlanta Korean American Commission Against Asian Hate, Michelle Kang, Representative Bourdeaux, and another photo of key community and civic leadership.
Video sequence: Please note the order of appearance (listed below).
Full press conference.
Welcome (brief) with Gwinnett County Commission Chair Nicole Love Hendrickson.
Remarks (brief) from State Representative Pedro "Pete" Marin.
Remarks (brief) from Secretary General Michelle Kang.
Congresswoman Bourdeaux fielding our question at the end of the press conference.
Post-press conference remarks with Congresswoman Bourdeaux.